Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Deacon 2 months

Deacon was 2 months old yesterday, it's amazing how fast time goes. Today we went for his 2 month well child check up and everything looked good. He is 12 lbs. 4 oz. (60%) and 22.5 inches (35%). He is meeting his developmental milestones with smiling, and tracking objects with his eyes. The doctor said to start listening for him to start cooing soon. Jason was nice enough to meet me at the appointment and hold Deacon for the shots. Deacon was a little trouper and hardly cried.
We also discussed with the doctor Deacon's reflux and his visit to the hospital. The doctor thinks the fever was a fluke and we don't need to worry too much about it. The reflux is now well controlled with all of the meds and rice cereal. We hope to have Deacon off of one of his meds by 4 months. The good news however is that he is gaining weight which is the biggest concern with reflux now that he is no longer choking at night.
In Jacob News: He continues to keep his Mommy very busy and gets into everything. He got his first real black eye last week which he will tell you he got climbing. Climbing seems to be his new favorite pastime. The scariest place I have found him is on the counter. Sad to say but I can barley leave the little guy to go to the bathroom without him getting into mischief.
To keep Jacob busy during dinner preparation I've had to get creative and now that he's sick of "helping" make the meal I now have him playing in the sink with bubbles pretending to wash the dishes. I've decided cleaning up a little water is a lot easier than him having a tantrum or taking out every toy in the living room.

Lastly, we are trying to get Jacob to sleep in his pea pod tent for naps to get him ready for our trip to Florida in November. Today we had our first success he took a 2 hour nap in it and didn't even wake up when I took this picture. Hopefully he will continue to nap in this tent and we can pass the pack n' play down to Deacon.


Meeuwsens said...

Wow...Deacon beat out Carter at 2 months! He is so CUTE!!! Can't wait to see you guys again soon!

Ashley said...

Jake doing the dishes reminds me of that scene from Home Alone when Macully Culkin is doing the dishes. How cute!
-Aunt Ashley

J said...

You have the cutiest two little boys! Frank looks more like his mommy every day! Love to all

julielsimon said...

I think Deacon is starting to look a little like you, too! They're both growing up so fast!