I was tagged by Jamey over at BouwensHouse to share 5 random things about me.
1. I love to read but hate picking a book. I would rather not have a book than have to make a decision on which one to buy or borrow or get from the library. (If you have suggestions or a books I can borrow that would be great!!!) It aggravates me if the book I choose is horrible and I can't finish it, if someone else has given it to me it doesn't bother me. Strange, I know. Once I'm into a book I hate to put it down. I will read it until I can't hold my eyes open, something my husband truly does not understand.
2. I set unrealistic expectations for myself everyday. Today it was to finish 4 loads of laundry, iron the last two weeks of laundry I hadn't gotten to, clean out the fridge, disinfect the kitchen, mop the floor, organize our mail station, finalize the fabric for the crib bedding with Suzanne, clean out my sock drawer, tank drawer, workout clothes drawer, vacuum, clean the toilets and showers, oh yeah and play with Jacob and rest my big pregnant body so I'm not exhausted while Jason is gone. --- Yes, you guessed it I didn't get it all done. Maybe someday I will be more realistic about what I can accomplish with a busy 1 year old at my feet.
One of the things I did accomplish was cleaning out the fridge. Jacob was a big helper holding up items for me to double check the date and drying the shelves after I wiped them down.
3. I do not love being pregnant although you would think so because I was only not pregnant for 9 months after having Jacob. However, I do adore Jacob and can't wait to meet my new little guy in August. For those of you who love being pregnant I'm jealous.
4. I love taking showers. If I had the time I would take a 3 or 4 showers a day. Not long showers just showers. Most days I take at least 2 showers. I hate to feel dirty. I also request that my husband take at least 2 showers a day in the warmer months as to not bring a sweaty body into our clean sheets. Jacob also takes lots of baths. Who wants a dirty baby. I know the pediatrician would say I'm drying out his skin but with the amount of lotion I put on him in a day he's plenty moisturized.
5. Its driving me crazy that we don't have a name for baby #2. I'm a huge planner and I just can't handle that we don't have a name. I truly think Jason doesn't want to discuss it just to give me a hard time because he knows it's driving me crazy.
I tag: Kelly M, Julie S, Kate K, Amy H and Heidi VH