Deacon is 5 months old today!!! Time seems to really be flying bye. I can hardly believe he is that old already. A few new things he has been doing include sitting up on his own for short periods, eating a few baby foods and interacting/playing with Jacob. I love seeing the boys doing things together. Some of our favorites are reading books and playing with Deacons
playmats. Both the boys lay on the
playmat together and giggle. Deacon is such a little blessing, however I'm missing the tiny baby stage already. He was such a little snuggle bug. He is getting to be a wiggle little busy body just like his older brother. I continue to hold him more when he's sleeping than I ever allowed
myself to do with Jacob. I guess you truly understand how fast it goes the second time around.
Jacob has been such a silly little guy the last few day here are a few pics of his activities.

New tubby paints are so much fun Jacob even colored on Deacon.

Jacob thinks its fun to wear his winter gear inside these days!

Puzzle pieces as cookie anyone????

Thanks to Uncle Dan and Aunt Jayme Jacob is now pretending to be the 5 little monkey's jumping on the bed. This picture of him telling me that the doctor said "NO more monkey's jumping on the bed"
Last but not least
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA JOEL!! We love you and Jacob REALLY loved the dessert tonight at your birthday dinner.