Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Can it get any colder?

No, seriously why is it so darn cold out this week. Of all the weeks this summer that I could have chosen to teach swimming lessons it had to be this week that the temps are in the 60's. Luckily the kids have been troopers and haven't complained too much, thanks to the pool owners keeping the pools nice and toasty warm. Hopefully tomorrow is warmer. Despite the cold weather and missing Jacob I am having fun doing something other than just being a Mommy for a change. It feels good to be working and teaching again. Makes me miss teaching a little. Not that I could ever be away from Jacob this much on a regular basis. Thanks to Jacob's Grandmas for taking such good care of him. I know he loves being with you.


Jayme said...

i'd like day that cool! it is finally cooler here now too...84 today but on friday, it's back into the 90's again!

Haley said...

Martha!! I've been thinking about you all week!! I hope we get some warmer temps tomorrow! Good luck as you finish out lessons. :)

J said...

Wow - you are getting COLD weather. I hope that you finished the lessons today. Hugs!

Kim Lubbers said...

Hi Martha!

The kids had so much fun at swimming lessons, that I really don't think they even noticed how cold it was:) I hope you teach again next year!


julielsimon said...

You are such a trooper TOO for teaching swim lessons as a mommy and especially while being pregnant too! Take care sweets!